Efficiently manage your vacation leave applications and approvals online.
Fill out a simple form to apply for vacation leave.
Track the status of your leave request in real-time.
View your remaining leave balance at a glance.
Your data is protected with the highest security standards.
Permanent Employees: All permanent government employees are eligible to apply for vacation leave.
Probationary Employees: Employees on probation may apply for leave after completing six months of service.
Contractual Employees: Contractual employees must adhere to the terms of their contract regarding leave entitlements.
Special Leave: Certain types of leave (e.g., medical leave, maternity leave) may have additional eligibility requirements.
Q: How many days of vacation leave am I entitled to?
A: The number of vacation leave days depends on your years of service. Typically, employees are entitled to 20-30 days per year.
Q: Can I carry forward unused leave to the next year?
A: Yes, unused leave can be carried forward to the next year, but there may be a cap on the maximum number of days you can carry forward.